ISBN 1-888053-14-32004 - The Kryon Writings, Inc.What's happening? Many have asked: "I thought these times would be filled with more peace!" This 408-page book is packed with live channellings from the years 2003 and 2004. We are beginning the "war between old and new energy" that Kryon has spoken of for 15 years. Now we are in it, and are doing the "heavy lifting" for the planet. What's it about? What does it mean? Kryon says, "Do not despair!" These are the times which belong to you, and that you have created. They are the precursor for peace on earth.Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version.
ISBN-13 97814019329922003 - Hay House, Inc. An adaptation for children of the spirit writings of Kryon, who was channeled by Lee Carroll. Theresa Corley was born in San Antonio Texas in 1952. After some 55 years of great living near Galveston Island, she moved to Virginia Beach Virginia to be with her grandchildren. A great fan of Lee Carroll and The Kryon, it was a trip to Puerto Vallarta in 1998, and the fourth reading of "The Journey Home" while there, that convinced her it was SHE who was going to adapt the story for children, no matter her misgivings. Sometimes what needs to be done in the moment must be done by yourself! No time to wait for someone else to do it! Another of many great lessons learned from The Kryon! Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version
ISBN 1-888053-09- 72002 - The Kryon Writings, Inc.The event of 9-11 changed our lives forever. This book is organized around the event, with channelling up to and right after the September tradgedy. Did Kryon give us hints? What was the message the day it happened? There is much insight here, and also some potential things to think about? Was it a surprise to God? ... or something we had given permission for long ago? This 384 page book is packed with live channellings from the years 2001 and 200, including Kryon's Israel message delivered in Tel Aviv. Becoming interdimensional is the main subject, with a great many very personal loving solutions to every-day questions.Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version
Click here for paperback version.STILL IN PRINT!ISBN 15617085932001 - Hay HouseThis is the 10th book of Lee Carroll, and the second in the Indigo series with Jan Tober. By now, hundreds of thousands of readers have enjoyed the first book The Indigo Children. It not only stirred the interest of many people throughout the world with respect to the profound change in consciousness being manifest in these special kids, but it also gave suggestions to parents, teachers, and caregivers on how to interact with these fascinating children. So what do you do with thousands of letters, stories, and observations from parents, educators, and others about their Indigo experiences? Well write another book, of course! An Indigo Celebration is a collection of essays, articles, and personal insights about the Indigo Child phenomenon. Although we will undoubtedly be writing more academically-oriented Indigo books down the line, we wanted to stop for a moment and celebrate these kids, how they think, how they act, and what they're bringing to our lives. This book is not only meant to entertain, but also to inspire, teach, and provoke meaningful dialogue.The Indigo Children are an integral part of the positive transformational shift of the new millennium and this celebration of them is one we hope you will share in!Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version
ISBN 1-888053-11-92000 - The Kryon Writings, Inc.Kryon is a loving angelic energy and Lee Carroll is the 'original' Kryon channel. Through a lost two decades, the loving information from this partnership has sustained spiritual growth of many and explained much about our changing times. This is the eighth Kryon book, written in 2000. It represents the beginning of the new millennium and attempts to answer many of the questions about the energy that many were feeling at the time. It is still relevant to what is happening now as the chapter titles will show.Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version
ISBN 1-888053-12-71999 - The Kryon Writings, Inc.Published in 1999, this seventh Kryon book of the bestselling Kryon series is the last channelled one before the turn of the century. It deals with exactly that subject: channelled good news from a very loving entity that gets us ready for the "New Jerusalem." It is the largest Kryon book yet, and includes channellings from all over the world, especially those given in 1998. Also included is the transcription of the "Family Series" of channellings, and the transcription of the 1998 United Nations visit.Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version
Click here for paperback version.STILL IN PRINT!ISBN 15617060861999 - Hay HousePublished in mid 1999, this eighth book from Lee Carroll and Jan Tober is about a subject which received more mail than any other after the release of Kryon Book VI, Partnering With God. Chapter 7 of that Kryon book spoke of the spiritual evolution of the new children of the "indigo" color. The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration. In this groundbreaking book, Lee and Jan answer many of the often-puzzling questions surrounding Indigo Children. 1. Can we really be seeing human evolution in kids today? 2. Are these kids smarter than we were at their age? 3. How come a lot of our children today seem to be "system busters"? 4. Why are so many of our brightest kids being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)? 5. Are there proven working alternatives to Ritalin Throughout this work, they bring together some very fine minds (doctors, educators, psychologists, and more) who shed light on the Indigo Child phenomenon. These children are truly special, representing a great percentage of all the kids being born today on a worldwide basis. They come in "knowing" who they are - so they must be recognized, celebrated for their exceptional qualities, and guided with love and care. This book is a MUST for the parents of unusually bright and active children!Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version
Click here for paperback versionSTILL IN PRINT!ISBN 1-56170-552-71997 - Hay HousePublished in late 1997, this Fifth Kryon book started as a hard cover Hay House book with full color illustrations by Pax Nidorf (No longer available). It was later released without illustrations in paper-back. Unlike any other Kryon book, this one was a novel! The Journey Home was actually a live channeling given in Laguna Hills, CA in December 1996. This stirring story is about a man named Michael Thomas who enters a land of seven angels in seven houses. Within this simple spiritual story of a man trying to go "home," is embodied all of the practical living principles Kryon has been teaching since he arrived in 1989. The novel is packed with metaphors about real human living, and has become the basis for the Kryon seminar formats of 1998 and 1999. So profound are the hidden meanings, that separate workshops have been created where the book is literally "taken apart" to reveal the sacredness of the messages within it. The messages? Human enablement - our relationship with God - what humans can do for themselves in the New Age - what God expects from us - the way things work. The adventure is actually about one word that is never mentioned even once in the text. There is something for everyone within its pages - an adventure, danger, a battle to the death, spiritual purpose, love, and even romance. Driving to a surprise ending, The Journey Home is the most unusual Kryon book ever written, and promises a format for future works as well. Click here to go to Amazon for Kindle version.