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Anders HolteAnders Holte
was born and raised in Copenhagen (Denmark) and is internationally known as a singer, composer, and sound channel.
Anders is known for creating a sacred space at live events - aligning the many voices of an audience into a sense of oneness. His tonal based music, as well as his uplifting songs and lyrics, have reached people all over the world - his music has been sold in over 60 countries.

Since 2011 Anders has been travelling with Lee Carroll in Europe, singing for the audiences at Kryon events in many European countries, as well as The Kryon Summer Light Conferences in Sedona and Mt. Shasta (USA). In December 2012, Anders joined Dr. Todd Ovokaitys in leading the Lemurian Choir, consisting of 900 singers at a galactic solstice event on Maui (Hawaii). This was also where the album "Dream Of The Blue Whale" was released, an album he co-created with his partner Cacina.

<html><body><h2>ATLANTIS REMEMBERS<br /><span style="font-size:14px;">Anders Holte - Artist</span></h2></body></html>

Anders Holte - Artist

Anders Holte about "Atlantis Remembers"

The story of Atlantis is ancient, its days are long gone. And yet some of us feel it as if it were yesterday. Memories ... gentle as a whisper in the wind ... call our consciousness to awaken after eons of sleep. And as we awaken we remember our covenant with the future.

It is time .. Standing on the shore calling upon the waters, hearing the roar of the waves tumbling onto the coast as the ocean responds... Still remembering who we really are we opened our hearts to the sea of our beloved Atlantis.. entrusting it all that is sacred and dear to us.

Listening to the echo of a time we knew was yet to come, we made a covenant with the Earth to safely hold our love, our knowledge, our dreams and visions of a new world until they were ready to resurface again.

Until we were ready.. again. What seemed as the end was to become the womb for new futures and new worlds that otherwise would have never been.

Today we are beginning to listen again, we hear the call.. the echo from an ancient stellar lullaby as we are about to awaken to the dawn of a new day. And so, through us Atlantis remembers ... the heart.

Our Price: $15.98
<html><body><h2>My World<br /><span style="font-size:14px;">Anders Holte, Cacina Meadu</span></h2></body></html>

My World
Anders Holte, Cacina Meadu

I've been a singer long before I was aware of it. As a boy I would be singing in the evenings outside on the swing, absorbed in my own sound world. Neighbors and family would have their windows open, quietly listening so as not to disturb me.

These are my first memories of other people being touched by my singing. And still today, after so many years as a professional singer, what I love the most is to close my eyes and lean into the music without a thought. Tuning into that same place I knew so well as a boy.

Lyrics and pure sound
To me songs are stories in music, and I love to tell stories. Yet pure sound allows me to be 'mindless'. Nothing to explain at all. In these moments my singing becomes my prayer, and I find myself in a timeless state of being.

My World is another collaboration with my partner Cacina with whom I also composed the album "Dream Of The Blue Whale". Cacina's exquisite ability to create a musical space with her harmonies and sounds is very inspiring to me. We truly enjoyed the birth of this album and we hope that you will like the music.

Our Price: $15.98
<html><body><h2>Dream of the Blue Whale<br /><span style="font-size:14px;">Anders Holte - Artist</span></h2></body></html>

Dream of the Blue Whale
Anders Holte - Artist

I have always felt a strong connection to the blue whales and often wondered what these gentle giants dream about as they move gracefully in the depths of their ocean world. To me, they are our kindred spirits of stellar origin who were always holding our dreams for us. They were keeping their timeless secrets of wisdom and love until we too are ready to dream again. That time has come.

The title "Dream Of The Blue Whale" came to me several years ago. Cacina and I both loved it right away. We decided to go in the recording studio, having the title "Dream Of The Blue Whale" as our only guidance. We had no musical agreements of any kind. We allowed the music to emerge literally, "out of the blue" - Cacina playing, me singing. Creating this album has reminded me that my dreaming happens as the music flows through me.

What you hear on this album is the music recorded the way it came to us in the moment. Both pieces are uninterrupted "one-take" recordings with very little editing. Among the few additional recordings I made are the deep "Lemurian bass tones" which we both feel belong in this music.

This is the first time Cacina and I have created music in the moment together in this way, and it has indeed been a precious experience for us. Dream of the Blue Whale features nearly an hour of deep and transformational music.

Our Price: $15.98
<html><body><h2>Lemurian Home Coming<br /><span style="font-size:14px;">Anders Holte - Artist</span></h2></body></html>

Lemurian Home Coming
Anders Holte - Artist

There are many legends about this mysterious and magical place. Many tales have been told of an ancient land with astounding beauty. For me Lemuria means Home. When I began this musical journey, I had no idea where it was going. I just knew - this is the sound of Home - the sound of where we all come from.

The language

When I sing this kind of music, I exclusively have my awareness on the sound itself. It's like my left-brain steps outside and takes a break. People ask me "what language are you singing?" - and the answer is... probably a very old one. I don't think of any specific words when I sing. Instead I "lean in" to the music and connect with a "bigger me." I always feel an ancient vibrational connection to this "something" that my brain doesn't understand. But my heart always knows the truth of it.

I sense this comes from a time where language was something entirely different than it is today. The information stored within the very sound itself exceeds the cognitive information of our modern-day language. This music is interdimensional in the sense that it enhances our awareness of reality. When you listen to the music in a quiet space, it expands your perception to the point of sensing other dimensions.

Our Price: $15.98