The Story of Michael Thomas & the 7 Angels
by Theresa Corley

<html><body><h2><span style="font-size:14px;">THE JOURNEY HOME: CHILDREN'S EDITION</span><br />The Story of Michael Thomas & the 7 Angels<br /><span style="font-size:14px;">by Theresa Corley</span></h2></body></html>
Our Price: $9.99

Kindle Version

ISBN-13 9781401932992
2003 - Hay House, Inc.

An adaptation for children of the spirit writings of Kryon, who was channeled by Lee Carroll.

Theresa Corley was born in San Antonio Texas in 1952. After some 55 years of great living near Galveston Island, she moved to Virginia Beach Virginia to be with her grandchildren. A great fan of Lee Carroll and The Kryon, it was a trip to Puerto Vallarta in 1998, and the fourth reading of "The Journey Home" while there, that convinced her it was SHE who was going to adapt the story for children, no matter her misgivings. Sometimes what needs to be done in the moment must be done by yourself! No time to wait for someone else to do it! Another of many great lessons learned from The Kryon!

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